
Sunday, February 6, 2022

10 secrets for longer room wallpapers

The various motifs that can make a room beautiful are one of the reasons why many people choose to use them. wallpaper The wall of the room.further wallpaper The walls of the bedroom can usually last up to 10 years.

But in many cases, even though it's only been a few years old wallpaper The wall of the room that already looks dull. To avoid it wallpaper The walls of the room should be cleaned regularly.Especially surface dust wallpaper.. If left unchecked, the room may look dull.Instead of having a fairly covered wall wallpaper, The walls of the room can turn out to be actually ugly if not properly groomed.Care wallpaper The walls of the room also need to pay attention to the materials and types of dirt that are present.Well, here Kania reviews secret tricks wallpaper The walls of the room are more durable.

Pay attention to the installation process wallpaper Room wall

Room wall wallpaper brewsterwallcovering.com

take care wallpaper You have to do the bedroom wall from the beginning during the installation process. It may seem easy, but it's a good idea to leave the installation process to an expert.You can ask the seller for help wallpaper The wall of the room.Usually the seller wallpaper The walls of the room while providing installation services.

Check the humidity of the wall

Moisture room wall wallpaper iransafebox.net

One of the important points wallpaper Durable bedroom walls pay attention to the condition of the walls.How to install wallpaper The correct wall is on a non-wet wall.Moisture content on the wall creates moisture wallpaper The walls of the room will be damaged quickly.The best way to make wallpaper Maintaining the durability of the wall is to improve the humidity of the wall. You can be smarter by coating the walls with a special moisture-proof paint.

Before installation wallpaper New homes and apartments also need to clean the surface of the wall from dust, dirt and paint. For new walls, you first need to make sure the wall is completely dry.

Pay attention to the surface of the wall where you put the wallpaper

Surface wall wallpaper brewsterwallcovering.com

In addition to controlling the humidity of the walls, it is also necessary to check the walls before installation. wallpaper The wall of the room. The smoother the surface of the wall, the more sticky it is, so look for a smooth and uniform surface. wallpaper The walls of the room are stuck together.If you don't pay attention to this process, it's not impossible wallpaper The walls of your bedroom are actually quickly damaged in just a short amount of time. Do you want this to happen?

The process of gluing bedroom wall wallpaper should be uniform

Glue the wallpaper on the wall of the room Wallpapersafari.com

In addition to paying attention to the condition of the walls, during the gluing process wallpaper The walls of the room are also done correctly.Adhesive wallpaper The walls of the room should be evenly distributed. If not, wallpaper The walls of the room are bulging sloppy.This condition not only spoils beauty, but also causes it. wallpaper The walls of the room will be damaged quickly.If you want to change wallpaper Do not stack old and new walls.You have to let go wallpaper First make the walls of the old room and then replace them with new ones.

Eager to get rid of dust wallpaper Bedroom wall with duster

Room wall wallpaper Watch out for dust brewsterwallcovering.com

Wherever you are, dust is certainly very annoying. One of them is the dust that sticks to the wallpaper on the walls of the room.To get rid of dust, you can use a structured duster Swiffer Or easily remove the sticky dust with a dry electrostatic cloth.

When cleaning dust wallpaper Move the wall of the room clockwise in a circular motion.It is designed to be dusty wallpaper The walls of the room are completely missing.

Removes stubborn stains wallpaper Lemon and room wall

Room wall wallpaper removes dirt brewsterwallcovering.com

Do you already know that lime is known as a food ingredient that benefits millions of household problems?From leaves that can be used to control lice to juices to process them wallpaper The wall of the room. Therefore, wallpaper There are stains on the walls of the room, so you can quickly clean it with this seasoning.

The secret is to squeeze the lime and then put the juice in warm water.Use this mixed water by rubbing wallpaper Room wall with soft sponge. Let it sit for a while, then wipe the sponge with a soft, dry cloth.special wallpaper The bedroom walls, made of cloth, can be brushed with warm water and lime.

How to care for bedroom wallpaper made of paper

Paper room wall wallpaperbrewsterwallcovering.com

wallpaper The wallpaper material for this room is one of the most popular people.for wallpaper The walls of a room made of paper need to be carefully cared for, as the paper material is very fragile.You can clean the surface wallpaper The walls of this room are made of dry cloth. To go high, you can use a cloth-wrapped broom or a used T-shirt instead.

Clean the wallpaper with warm water and special soap

The wallpaper on the wall of the room is clean with warm water brewsterwallcovering.com

A mixture of warm water and special soap is perfect for cleaning wallpaper Waterproof bedroom wall made of vinyl or acrylic. wallpaper The walls of this type of bedroom can be washed with warm water, mild soap and then wiped with a cotton cloth or soft sponge.

You need to know, wallpaper Vinyl coated ones are very resistant to greasy stains and moisture due to the acrylic layer on the surface and are more resistant to the cleaning process. Do not use abrasive cleaners, coarse sponges, or pumice stones as they will break the vinyl coating. wallpaper The wall of this room.

Room wall wallpaper brewsterwallcovering.com

About some types wallpaper The walls of the room, some are given filler to give a thick and soft effect. wallpaper On the walls of this type of room, the cleaning process must be slow and careful, and the tools should not be rough and sharp.As a finishing touch to cleaning wallpaper Room wall, you can use Dry cleaning Dry immediately wallpaper The wall of this room.

How to care wallpaper Bedroom wall made of woven fibers

Room wall textile wallpaperbrewsterwallcovering.com

In comparison wallpaper Bedroom wallpaper, wallpaper Webbing maintenance is very difficult.The reason for that wallpaper The walls of this type of room have small gaps for easy storage of dust. Therefore, wallpaper The walls of this type of room need to be cleaned frequently. Some types of lint can be cleaned with a damp cloth.

How to care for the fabric bedroom wall

Bedroom wall wallpaper made of cloth

Photo: brewsterwallcovering.com

How to care wallpaper Bedroom walls made of cloth are actually the same way you clean sofas and carpets. Vacuum cleaner.. In addition, you can also use a brush to clean it. Dirt that is difficult to clean can be removed by brushing.

Add a little lukewarm water to make it easier to remove dirt. If it remains dirty, it may contain oil. Try mixing warm water with a small amount of soap.Gently polish without damaging the surface wallpaper Make the walls or fibers of the room. Choose a soft brush.

Well now you know how to take care of them wallpaper The wall of the room.It's not just an option furniture Things to be careful of to make your room always look beautiful.Congratulations on your help wallpaper The wall of the upper room!

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Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/35450/tips-wallpaper-dinding-kamar-awet

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